PS Magazine - MARCH 1981

PS, The Preventative Maintenance Monthly


MARCH 1981

PS Magazine - MARCH 1981 - Page 6 of 35
hammer ring test for TL42 track, has
now been deleted.
Some tank -10 TM's have it in their
PreventiVe Maintenance Checks and
Services section and some do not.
In Either case, tHe R±st has been
de²eted because of "inconsisRecy of
results³, according to TA´COM Msg
D´STµ¶MCµ 28·90·Z µpr 80¸
ransmission torque ChaNge
M60¹series tanks need to know the
new torque vaºue for the ²ow¹range
and reverse¹gear bands of CD 850¹5µ
and CD 850¶6µ transmissions.
Where the tank ¼20 or -20½· T¾
says to tigh¿eN the adjusting screÀ to
about Á50 ºb¹ft, the new figure is 30 ²bÂ
Then you back off the adjUsting
screw 5 to 6 flats and you Righten the
²ÄÅKÆÇÈ to about ·50 lbÉft, jUst as you
are used to doing.
TB 43½000·¹39-4 (an 79), page 2½8,
had the wordÊ
L± FUEl ²A³k ´Oµ "RIGHµ¶
This is generally discovered only
after the power p²ant has been put
Ëack in the vehic²e.
So get your friendly hu²² mechanic
to take carÌ of it the nÌxt time the
»¼ º¼¼K º·K½ »¾·S¿
power pack is outÍ
Îe wil² fÏip¼flop the capacitor and
housing assembly so that the connecÐ
tor is pointing down insÑead of Up.
YouÒll find this good stUff in the
ÓI´ Digest, TB 43¹000·¹39¹3 ÔOct
The CµÕTIOÖ on pagÌ 2-52× oF TM 9-2350-Ø57-×0-Ø FÙÚ M6ÛµÜ ÝIÞÓ and
M60µß ´IÞÓ àassivÌ Tanks iá Æot nÌcessary. TÌáts áhoâ that proloãged uáage
and short oFF cäcles Ài²² ãot daåagÌ ÈhÌ so²eãoid Va²Ves oF the såoæe
geneÚatiãg systeç.

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