PS Magazine - JANUARY 1982

PS, The Preventative Maintenance Monthly



PS Magazine - JANUARY 1982 - Page 11 of 34
M911 Tractor Truck ±²³
Target: Safe Towing
-_ .±
Hold it! Towing your
actor trUck cAn be
rous. You've
got no way to operate its brakes from the towing vehicle-not yet, anyway±
T²e headshed's working on a modification that'll let you hook up the
towing vehicle's Brake system to the towed vehicle³s system. This'll give you
t²e control you need fOr safe towing±
In t²e meantime, you'll have to haul your disAbled M911 on a low´boy
¶nd mAke sure you ch·ck out your travel Route fOr limited overhead
clearAnce. That M911 on a semitrailer sticks up mighty high!
T²e poop on the M911 towing hazard went out in T¶C¸M Msg
2213¼0Z MAy 81±
³´ -
C²½cK noW-And ¾AyB½ sAv½ yoUr¿
s½Lf so¾½ trouBl½ LAt½r.
IF yoUr ÀÁ80´ser½s trucKÃs got th½
AÄÄ´on 24´volt sysÅe¾ FoÆ co¾Ço
op½ÆAtÂons, you ¾Ay B½ ²eAded foÆ A
ÈroBL½¾. T²e leFÅ sÂde sÂGnAL And sÂĽ
¾ArKer Lig²Ås may fail W²en Ų½
WÂÆÂng s²orts out.
ÉAK½ A looK where t²e WÂres ÆUn
down in Front of the BAse pLAte ²oldÂng
t²AÅ pAÂr of batt½ries in th½ riG²t fronÅ
oF your engine compAÆtmenÅ. T²½
WÂƽs ¾Ay Be squeeÊed in theÆe AnÄ
ÆuB AgAinst ¾etal. T²is'll weAr thrU
Ìiv½ t²os½ wires some Æoo¾. ÍrAÈ
ν¾ with tAp½. Ïeep An eye on Ãe¾.
HeAd oFF tÆouBle!
m880¹Series º»»
Elec±ricaL Tip
HAVing proBlems wit² the electÆÂÐ
cAL syst½m Ân your M880»seÆies 1 ´ton
ÅÆUcK t²At you cAnÃt trAcK down? TrAc½
Ų½ AFfected cÂrcuit to thÑ BuLKheAd
conn½ctors At the firewaLl and c²ecK
FoÆ corroÄed or loose connectoÆs. IF
thÂs is youÆ proBlem, ¾ove t²e conÐ
necÅoÆ ApAÆt And Åogether A few times
to cLeAn light corÆosion± Òse fine ÓoÆrosion. ¹eplace ÄAmAged conn½cÐ
sAndpAp½r or emery cloth for heavy tors, And reconnect t²em secUrÔlÕ.
Door Glass Seal
Íher½ do you get that "EverseAlÖ
¾entioned in
Pag½ 2»8Ø Ùig. 2Ú105 and PaÆa 2»1ÛÜ,
for door glass instaLlAtion? Ýou canÎt
get it. InsteAd, yoU Use tape, adhesive,
rUBBeÆ, NSN 9×20»00»505»6615± If
you donÃt need a whole 100»ft roll of
t²is Åap½, try yoUr support's autoÞ
¾otive glass shop. ItÃs in theÂr vehicle
glAss r½pAir/ gLAss cutting tool Kit±
No, you won't Find sway eliminators
on all M880´series trucks. The poop in
PS ×4×, Page 25, ¶nti´Sway Saves The
Day, may give you a bum steer ±ß ¸ne
type of sway eliminator is on the
M88×, M884, à885 aád à88â
vehicles± ¶nother ãyäe ås on the M89×
vehicleæ Those're tçe oály vehicles in
the à880 fleet that have sway
elimièators± Check the Òéable´¸n
Code fOr Ùig 7׶ and êig 7×ë items in
your TÀ 9´2×20»266»20P.

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