PS Magazine - AUGUST 1984

PS, The Preventative Maintenance Monthly



PS Magazine - AUGUST 1984 - Page 9 of 35
M48A5/M60-Series Tanks .±
It works like this:
If you have a hydraulic maLfunction,
the turret cAn traverSe wHen the gun-
ner's turret power Switch is OFF and
the gun traveL Lock and turret lock are
in the unLocked poSition.
The turret
can traverse
even if the
turret power
switcH is
±ike it says in your PMC²³ if you get
turRet movement when the Switches are
o´³ let your turret mechanic hear about
it µst¶
Never aSSume The handleS won·t
work juSt becauSe t¸e ¹aSter Battery
Switch iS oºf.
AUG 8±
Never uSe the handles to hELp
yourSeLf get into or out of the turret»
¼e Su½e the turret lock i¾ Locked
and the gun iS in traveL Lock before you
Leave tHe tank¿
Don't operate the mastEr battery
switch by reaching through thÀ crew
compartment. If the turREt move¾, youÁ
could be injured or kiLLed.
Âhe driver and aLl otHer crewÃen
muSt Äe in saÅ position bÀfÆre thE
maSter battery switch is turnEd ofÇ or
on. Operate tHe maSter battery switch
onLy from the driver'¾ ¾eÈt.
Operate the turret powEr Switch Én-
ly fro¹ the gunner's seat. Don't reach
over the ¹ain gun and breEchÊ pLacinG
your body between it and thE turrEt
roofË to turn the turret powEr ¾witch on
or offÌ Íf the main gun ÃovE¾ downÎ
you couÏd get kiLÏed.
You couLd run into a probLÀm
with tHe firing circuits fÐr tHe main gUn.
ÑcrisscroSSed¿ You dÉÒÓt nÔed stray curÕ
rent running throuÖh the firing circuit¾.
ÂhÈt couLd give you a big heÈdÈche.
PuLL the main gun firing test caLled
fÆr in your ×ØÙÂM. Íf the circuit te¾tEr
LightS w¸en you are not prE¾¾ing thE
trigger, or if it doÚsn'Û Light when È trigÜ
ger is preSsed³ Ïet your turrÝt Ãech
Þnd³ if the tester Lights when "ou
operate either trigger or the bla¾tinG
machinß witH the LoaderàS saáty ¾witch
in the ²ÞFâ positionã let yäur mech
know about it

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