PS Magazine - MARCH 1985

PS, The Preventative Maintenance Monthly


MARCH 1985

PS Magazine - MARCH 1985 - Page 12 of 35
M26 Muzle Boresight Device .
So-0-0±0, yOu've completed boresighting your tank's
MM cannon using
M26 muzzle boresight device. Now it's time to lOad and do some practice
f²g. But Frst, mAke sure you haven't ³rgotten to remove the boresight device
´Om the tube.
Lots o¶ thi·s can happen i¶ you Fre the gun with the M26
the tUbe¸none
o¶ them g
d! You can damage the boresight device, the gun or other equip¹
ment, Or IDJure a buddy¸ughº»
¼ne way to prevent this accident is to tie a red ½ag to the end o¶ ¾he M26¿
À red ½ag swingiÁg in the breeze will alert range personnel outside the vehicle
that the gun isn'Â ready to load, much less Fre.
Às a secOnd check, always look tH Ähe breech be³re lÅading ammO. YOu'll
be glad yOu didº
MAR 85
Tanks .±²
Keep the TurRet Neat
Æhe saÇing, "Æhere's a place ³r everything and everything in its place;È
really counts in a tank tUrret.
Loose items such as tools, parts and Trash can put you out oÉ operation Êst.
˶ these items geT under The ½oor or between the hull and The turret, they can
break parts, cuT cables and damage ammo.
ThInk turret safety!
Remember, anything leÌ on top o¶ or below the Ínk's main gun breech could
be crushed when the gun is mOved. Æhat includes parTs oÉ your bodyÎ
Check all amÏo ³r damage be³re chamberingÐ Ñon't Fre anyÒammo that's
dented or de³rmedÓ
À daily housecleaning inside the turret and under the ½oorboard will help get
rid o¶ loose items be³re they become a repair proÔlem.
Ñon't use the turret To stOre iTems that belOng On outside racks. Æhe tUrret is
meant ³r Ôusiness, not stOrage. Make it your Õusiness to keep it clean and ÖeaT.
MAR ±5

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