PS Magazine - MAY 1986

PS, The Preventative Maintenance Monthly


MAY 1986

PS Magazine - MAY 1986 - Page 5 of 35
Hanging your HA WK launcher
bubblegum machine (alignment tele-
scope) by its cables while You remove
or replace it may be a handy way to
get the job done, but it can also put
your launcher out of business.
If Those dangling cables are dam±
aged, your launcher ²ill have no tel±
escope to align it.
..and no fire Cutout
assembly .
.. unTil the cables are re±
Keep it neat. Disconnect the cables
before you remove the telescope .
and connecT them after you replace
it. ³he cables and ConneCtors weren't
made to take the weight of the scopE.
Hydraulic Leaks
´f you spot leaks µn the boom posi¶
tioning hydraulic system of your
launcher· resist the temptation to
grab a wrench.
First, cre²s are not supposed to
tighten hydraulic fittings. Second,
The fittings ²ill crack if they're over
tighTened. Report leaks on your DA
¸orm 2404.
Clamp Down
Before yoU move yoUr M¹00 trailer·
ºe sure the brake hose and elecTri»al ca±
ble are connecte¼ and under their clamps.
Also· be sure the spring is under
each clamp so that the cables can
feed through them without binding.
³he clamps and springs keep the
cables from being pinched when your
prime mover (2 1/2½ton truck) baCks
up or turns. JaCkknifing pinches un±
¾amped cables againsT The guards.
Bury It
If possible, bury the generaTor
groun¼ cable after you connect iT.
¿xposed cabLes get stepped on,
tripped over and snagged in various
±²³ 86
Easy ´oµS It
Àlamps on HA
60ÁK W gener±
ator baTTery cables should be tighT.
Àheck The clamps by twisting with
your thumb and Two fingers. If you
can move The clamps, Âeport iT. Ãour
mech Äill TighTeN TÅem, usiNg TÄo
TurN ¶t Off
³hey're easy To overlook, but
commo modules on various ÆA
components should be TuÂned ofÇ
afTer use. If noT, baTTeries ÄilL rÈn
down and you won't have the mo¼ules
when you need Them.

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