PS Magazine - TB 43-PS-439

PS, The Preventative Maintenance Monthly


JUNE 1989

PS Magazine - TB 43-PS-439 - Page 11 of 33
Tires .±²
rivers, it takes a little time and a
keen eye to give the tires on your truck
a good inspection. But regular, thor-
oUgh tire inspections pay ofF± You can
spot and fix little problems befOre they
ruin tires. That saves you a flat on the
road, and maybe your li².
Tires have a very close working rela-
tionship with several mechaNical sys³
tems on your truck. Problems in the
brakes, wheels, and suspension system
ofteN show up ´irst in the tires. Tires
aµect how welL these systems work
separately and together. Here're some
things to look fOr:
tREad WEaR
An out¶of·balance tire and wheel as¸
sembly causes vibration, especially at
highway speeds. The pounding of the
tire causes uneven tread wear. Bad
shocks, poor alignment, bum brakes,
loose ball joints and other problems in
the suspeNsion system also caUse rapid
and uneveN tire wear.
to AIR IS Human
Wrong tire pressure is the biggest
cause of uneven tread wear. ¹nderiº-
»ation wears out the oUtside eDges of
the tread, while overinf¼atioº eats out
the center of the tire.
Tires require a specific amount of
air pressure to do their job .
.. it's listed
in your tr½ck's
TM. It's your Job
JUN 89
to make sure the right amount of air is
in the tires at all times.
Check the tire pressure every week.
¾sk your ¿iendly mechanic to use his
tire pressure gage to measure the presÀ
sure in every tire, including the spare.
Check 'em when they're cold. ¾
short drive creates heat in the tire and
causes the air pressure to rise. You geÁ
a false reading if you gage the tires
when they're hot, and end Up runNing
the tires underinf¼ated.
C¸r¹s sº»p
Plies sep»r»¼e
Report a tire tha checks low each
time you gage it. The tire has a slow
leak and your mechanic needs to fÃnd it.
JUN 89
l³re PuTS
tH¶ c·¸¹º»
¼f ½h¾ ¿ÀÁÂ
¹»M»ge is
gre»¾er ¿²²
w»lls, sÀli¼s
bruises, breaKs and leads to tread sepa-
ration. Äverinflated tires are also hard
on the truck's suspension system.

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