PS Magazine - APRIL 1982

PS, The Preventative Maintenance Monthly


APRIL 1982

PS Magazine - APRIL 1982 - Page 6 of 35
A crystal b±ll can'T tell you if you²ve got a cylindeR head leak on your M151A2
or other !-ton vehicle. Neither will bubbles or anY other gimmicks:
A lot of time and parts are being wasted replacing head gasKets that don²t
need replacing.
³here²s only one way to be sure You'v´e really got a leakµby checking engine
compression and by pressure testing the cooling system.
C¶linder compression testing is covered by ³M 92320·218-20, Para 2-28.
Instructions for pressure testing the cooli¸g system come with test kit, NSN
4910·01-0¹º-4373. ³his's the kit you find as Item 2, Fig 2-1, ³M 750·254,
Cooling Systems» ³actical Vehicles.
TM-24±²SeriEs .
Tie-Rod EnDs
¼ig 112 in ½M 9·2320¾242·20P lists 2 different tie¿rod ends buÀ doesn²t say
Which is lEft·hand and which is right-hand. Áou gotta have one of EachÂ2 leÃts
or 2 rights WillÄmakE a wrOngÅ
IÃ you neeD a roD End With leÃt·hand threads, you neeD Item 2 in Fig 112. It
cÆÇEs in parÀs kit, NSN 2530È00È088¾452É. ½his rodenD goes on the leÃt side of
Àhe tractor.
IÃ you neeD the rigHÀÊhand·ËhreaDEd roD end, that's Item 5. IÌ comes in parts
kit, NSN 2530·00·086-¹945. ³his one²s for the right side of your Goat.
HyDrAulic CoupLng S±Ats
Dear Hal-Mast
Brake fuid Leaks aRoun± The wheeL spindLEs On ouR GAma GoAts
SO I've been
driL²ing out the ³ydrauLic coupL´ng seats in The spindLes to repLace them
¶emoving t³is seat is NOt cOvere± in ·M
Is thERe a better wAy?
Íear Sergeant S.
If Your drill slips, you can damage
the spindle.
Instead, use the smallest screw
extractor, NSN Î120-00·240·5223,
from the No. 1 Common ³ool Set.
LightlY tap the extractor in the seatÏ
³Μrn out the seat.
Ðhen you remove the spindle to
replace a bushing, sEal or ring wiper,
you don't need to change the seat
unless it's leaking. If You do remove
the seat, tho, never reuse it. GEt a new

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