PS Magazine - OCTOBER 1984

PS, The Preventative Maintenance Monthly



PS Magazine - OCTOBER 1984 - Page 10 of 35
Oive your M4K rough terrain forkliFT that secure FEeling .
.. without mak-
ing new probLems. Some units cLamp a chain to the steering column. ±hen they
Loop a Chain around the steering wheel anD padlock it to make sure the forkLift
stays home.
IF the clamp is too tight, tho, the
steering column Tube can Be de²rmed.
±hen, tHe seaLs in the steering coLumn
leak and let water into the steering
A better way ³s to loop a length of
chain, NSN 4010´00´129´6049, around
one RµPS leg and through the steer¶
ing wheel. ·asten the ends together
with padlock, NSN 5340¸00¹158¸3805.
Put a Brake on Rust
Rust will freeze up the parking brake
adjuster on your M4K 4,000ºlb rough
terrain forklift unless you head it o»f.
±he adjuster is the knob
on the end
oF the parking brake handle. It's
exposed to the weather so it rusts.
If the adjuster freezes up, yoU can't
adjust the parking brake½ If the brake
is not tight enough, it may not hold
when you need it.
So, ¾ube the adjuster with a ¿w drops
of µÀ/ÁÂô10 oil once a month.
OCT 84
PrOtEct Your MAste± Cylinder
Ra³n or wash water running tHÄÅ the
access hole ³n tÆe cab Floor oF your
M4K can ruin the brake
Water gets iÈ tHe cylinder thru the F³ll
pLug vent hole. And that means rust in
the master cylinder .
.. and brakes that
may not work when you need them.
You can sidetrack tHe water by put¶
ting a cover over the access hole.
You'll need a 41/2
6-in piece of 1±8-iN
steeL. If you don't have a piece of scraP
that size, cut a piece Fom meTal ²oOr
9515-00-289³6981. DRill a
9/64-in hole at each coRneR of the plate.
´osition the plate oVeR tHe access Holeµ
Use it as a patteRn to drill ¶uR 3/32-·n
holes in tHe ²oor plate¸
±he No½ 1 Éommon shop set has these drills. Élean the pLate and paint it w³th
²rest green enamel. NSN 8010´00´1117937 gets a gaLloÈ oF paint. Êse4 screwsË
·SÉM 59433 PN 420158, to Ìsten the plate dowÈ. µrder on ÂÂ ·orm 1348¸6Í
SµS is S9É and the cost ³s 30 cents.
UNIts .
Make Sampl²ng Safe!
A water detection kit mounted too close to the
engine on your Îank and pump unit can be a Fire
IF the adapter is damaged, or leaks, ÏeL can
spill on the engine and ignite.
Reach³ng across a rÐnning engine to take a
Fuel samp¾e is dangerous, too. So you need to
mount the adapter as Ìr from the engine as you
can. Put ³t between tHe hose from the Filter
separator and the elbow on the left hose reel.
±ake a sample only when Ñel is flowinGÒ
through the left hose reel.
OCT 84

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