PS Magazine - OCTOBER 1984

PS, The Preventative Maintenance Monthly



PS Magazine - OCTOBER 1984 - Page 12 of 35
Battle Override .±.
Emergency Use, OnLy!
You see red, yoU think
Same goes for the red switch coveR
oN your tracked vehicle's tra±sie±t sUp-
pressor. Stop!²a±d thi±k³beFre you
move it.
That cover protects the battle over-
ride switch. ´he switch lets you bypass
a tripped circuit breaKer, i± a± emerµ
geNcy, and coNtiNue Needed commu±i-
¶emeMber, tho, that a tripped
breaker meaNs cUrreNt surges are
aroUNd. If you caN't wait the 2 miNutes
it taKes the breaKer to cool dowN
eNougH Fr resettiNg, use tHe override.
While iN override, your commA cir-
cuits arE UNprotected ·rom surges. Get
a surge, a±d you ca± damage yoUr gear.
Got a real, li¸¹or¹death emergeNcyº
»se the switch. That's what it's fOr²
AN/WG-2 Laser RangefInder .±±
bUt trai±iNg usually doesN't qUalify as
a± emergeNcy.
Just wa±t to see what it does or how
it works? ¼orget it. You might ½orget
to tUrN it ¾¼¼ agaiN.
DresSiNg Right
The last thiNg you Need is aN ¿60À3
turret fLooded with ball beariNgs.
That's what you caN get if you try to
force theÁÂ /VVG¹2 's ceNtÃr beariNg
over the support shaft's locKNut threads.
BefOre the beari±g comes oÄ, it'll come
Åt's a tight fÆt eve± if tHe threads are
cÇeaN. Àdd dirt or grit, aNd it's too
Åf your beariNg ha±gs up, bacK oȽÉ
Grab a sheeÊ of crocus cloth, ÂSÂ
5350¹00¹221Ë0872, aNd cleaN the
threads. The cloth is oN the expe±dables
list i± ÀppeNdix C, T¿ 9¹2350¹253¹
OCT 84
Åf yoUr ¿48À5 or ¿60¹series tÌNK does Not have a quicK discoNNect oN the
Íydraulic braKe liNe, you 're worKiNg uNder a haNdicap. The discoN±ect Keeps
dirt a±d air from e±teriNg the braKe liNes dUriNg pacK removaÎ a±d also preve±ts
braKe fluid loss.
Åf your taNK's T¿ doesN't tell you
how to put oNe oN, use the i±stÌLlatio±
procedures iN T¿ 9¹2350Ë257Ë20Ï1¹3
oN Pages 13Ë47 thru 53.
The procedures are also i± TÀC¾¿
¼ield Service BUlletiN Âo. 47 (juNe 82).
See yoUr frieNdly TÀC¾¿ Ñogistic
ÀssistaNce ¶epreseNtative for a copy.
M88A 1 Operat±on Hazard
Drivers, a tra±smissioN problem oN your recovery veHicle caN cause loss of
steeriNg a±d propulsioN whe± operÒtiNg iN reverse gear.
¼rom Now oN, wheN operatiNg iN reverse gear, fOllow these procedures:
Óeep your grou±d guide iN view at all times.
¿aKe all steeriNg correctioNs Ôrom straigHt bacK by usÕg Neutral pÖvot
steer Èrom a complete stop.
Ñimit operatioNs i± reverse gear to very slow speeds.
Do Not allow a±yoNe Near the vehicle ×heN it is beiNg baØKed up.
Åf you lose steeriNg aNd propulsioN whe± iN reverse, apply the braKes,
shift to NeutraÇ aNd iNcrease e±giNe idle to 1,400ËÙ,600 ¶P¿ fOr 30 to 40 secoNds
before attempti±g to operate iN reverse agaiN.
WheN the problem has bee± solved a±d a solutio± is available, you
Notified. »Ntil theN, fOllow these iNstrUctioNs careÚlÇy.
OCt 84

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